How to Reveal You Are a Blogger and Why You Shouldn't be Ashamed of It


It all started with an email from a lovely girl, who happens to be a blogger as well, writing to me such a nice comment about my blog and the desire to collaborate with me. I couldn’t be more happy to accept and to start brainstorming ideas. The lovely girl I’m talking about is Myrra.Myrra and I have many things in common: we are both students, not studying in our hometown/home country aaand we both have a blog! It happened to both of us that when we meet new people(and as you know when you travel or when you're at college you meet A LOT of new people), the moment you want to say you have a blog, that “embarrassment” feeling arrives. Of course, it depends on the type of person you find but in most of the cases, we usually wait to know better a person to tell them we are bloggers. This happens because, for experience, unfortunately, people who are not into blogs, especially at our age, consider blogging as just a thing you do because you want to show yourself.. Or they just know about fashion blogs and they immediately make a joke about makeup or something (no rude reference to fashion blogs from our sides, we both follow loads of them!).Anyway, in the end, we are proud bloggers, happy to have one and being part of this blogging world. That’s why we thought that, since there might be other people who have this same “prejudice feeling”, we could share with you a few tips on how to reveal you are a blogger and why you should not be ashamed of it:

1. Be convinced.

Whether you just want to say “ I have a blog” or if you want to tell more details about it, you should show you are proud and enthusiastic to have a blog. Actually, it often happens that people would ask more about it and reveal themselves interested about what you write or why you started it and it’s always nice to talk with people who show interest on what you say!

2. Consider it as part of yourself.

In the end, if you have a blog it means you spend time on it right? Therefore, it’s part of the activities you do in your daily life. So if you don’t really know how to say that you have a blog, you could list it on the things you enjoy doing or on the activities you are busy with. It may also happen that it comes out while talking about a specific topic that the people you are talking with experienced it as well. As you can see, there are many reasons why the argument can come out, it’s just about taking the occasion :)

3. Share it on social media.

It helps, you know - getting the word out there that yes, I have a blog and yes, I am a blogger. Your friends and followers, whether or not they support you on your blogging journey, will definitely be informed that you own a blog. If you’re lucky and blessed with kind people in your life, some might just be your regular readers as well! Just remember not to make your posts just be all about YOU; it might annoy some of them. Once in a while, share some posts other people published that you think will be useful for your readers as well.

4. Know your niche.

Now, this is something to note about. When someone asks (or even question or debate) you about what you blog about or what your blog is about, knowing your niche is like having the automatic answer that you can tell them. For once, you could say “Oh, my blog’s target audience is _______ so that’s why I post or write about _______ in order to help them or for them to find my blog useful.” See, makes revealing easier, right?

5. Accept the truth and accept who you are.

The hard truth is that some people, even with you taking the best effort to explain yourself, would still not be impressed with what you do and who you are. But as the common quote says “Write to express, not to impress”, this also implies that you should blog not to impress anybody. Instead, remember that a lot of people out there, online or offline, are still waiting to read your posts every day, week, or month, just because they admire you as a blogger and find your posts helpful and interesting. That’s what matters the most - you being able to express yourself, share your knowledge, and maybe even inspire other people. So keep doing YOU, love!And oh, uhm, did we already tell you that you’re beyond amazing and that you have so much potential in you? That’s right, you heard us, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.Please do not hesitate to comment down this post, the both of us will check them out asap and would be glad to answer! Also, are you a blogger who's struggling to reveal yourself as well? How are you coping? Tell us and we'd love to talk with you!This post is my first ever guest/collab post and I did it in collaboration with Lisa of From Dream to Plan blog. It was such an amazing experience, writing with her. Check out her blog here.You can also follow Lisa onFacebook | fromdreamtoplanInstagram | fromdreamtoplanPinterest | dreamsintoplansThank you for stopping by my blog, love!Yours,Official Myrra

Myrra Kate

Myrra is a Kingdom-driven entrepreneur, author, online course strategist, and course creator helping young women build a life of purpose, freedom, and impact by stewarding their God-given gifts.

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