Blogging Tips for College Students

Blogging is a really fun and interesting hobby that you could turn into something more. Blogging is not only just blogging; it's about expressing yourself for the world to hear, sharing your knowledge on some particular topics with those who need them or talking to people who may have the same experiences as you do. And here's the greater part: it's not only about talking (or writing, in this case) but it is also about listening. Through blogging, you are conversing with different people in the world and you are also willing to listen to what they think of some things, you ask for their ideas, you answer their inquiries or questions, and you get to meet some of them. You see, it's not only blogging, but it's also voicing out your thoughts and in turn, giving voice to some people as well.It's true; blogging is only a simple task. But if you get used to it and love it and maybe even make it a part of your life, it'll never be just blogging again for you.Just yesterday, I received a message from a friend of a friend who visited my blog (Hi, Iza!). I really appreciate it that she loved my blog and my writing style. When people do that, I get a heart so full of happiness. It's because seeing the people - who are, in the first place, the reason why I'm writing - appreciate your work is very overwhelming indeed. She also asked me if I could share some tips on blogging for those who plan or want to start a blog. I will write mainly for college students because my niche is on college but the tips are almost for everyone. So feel free to read and I hope these will be useful for you! :)

1. Before you start, always ask why.

Why am I blogging? That's the only thing you have to remember when you're starting a blog. That's because when you know why you are doing this, you have a goal to reach and a mindset to follow - meaning, you will know where you are going. This is so that when you are getting tired of this task and when you feel like stopping, you will have a reason in you to go on and be motivated.When I first started this blog, I did not know, really, that a specific reason was necessary. So I stick with the pieces I only just wanted to share with some people and that was it. But then, just this summer, I realized, why am I even doing this? What's the point of it all when no one, or only a few people, just read it? Then I discovered that a goal in mind is so important. So from that, I made my blog's mission to be: to share with people my knowledge on college, fashion, and lifestyle and write about the things that I love the most.

2. Find your niche.

This is perhaps one of the most important things to do when you plan on starting a blog. I have only just learned about this last summer and I wished I could've learned about it earlier. Find out who your target audience will be, who you will want to talk to on your posts, and who you want to reach out. Think specifically.However, finding your niche does not mean you will have to be limited to your posts. Remember, your blog is still your blog so feel free to post anything you like sometimes. Who knows, you may reach out for many more people than you thought you could!

3. Choose a platform.

I am not in any way sponsored by Wordpress but as far as I have experienced from blogging using other platforms in the past, Wordpress is by far the best. It's very easy to use and there are adorable themes that you can choose from already. It also has a lot of features that some other platforms don't have. I won't enumerate them on this post but here are some links you could check out for more details on this tip:

READ: THE Best Places to Start a Blog (Updated 2016 Edition)
3 Big Reasons You Should Be Blogging With WordPress
Why You Should Use WordPress For Blogging

4. Make a catching "About" and "Contact" page.

These two pages don't necessarily have to be separated. Sometimes, you may put your contacts on the lower part of your About page. Also, make sure that your About page is very catching and very... well, You. Write in your own voice and tell your readers more about, not only you but your blog and what you will be blogging about. Make sure not to miss out on putting some basic things to know about you like your nickname or your age or anything that you love.

5. Research.

When creating your content, always back up the things you say with some backlinks or other links that may help your readers to know more on the topic. Always do your research and make sure that everything is factual (except when you choose to write fiction or fantasy) and that you are not lying to your readers. As human beings, we just don't want to be lied to, right?

6. Proofread.

As a development communication student, we are taught to never pass a paper without checking our grammar and looking for some spelling mistakes. We are trained to always, ALWAYS proofread and edit our work. It's not only in doing our articles, I think; proofreading is also necessary for blogging. You don't want people to be liking your content but still stop reading as they are dismayed by your spelling or grammar errors. This is also why I always hate it when I have some mistakes; I get so perfectionist on this sometimes.

7. Post consistently.

Another thing I just realized while learning about blogging this summer. Post consistently so that your readers will know when to actually check your blog and be sure that you have posted a thing or two. A blogging calendar of your posts could actually also help you in this one.

8. Write from your heart.

Gahd, without doing this one, I don't know where I'll be today. Don't just write for the sake of writing and blog for the sake of blogging. Make it all about something more. Talk to your readers like they're your sibling who is asking you on how to do something or your best friend who is asking for your advice or your relative who needs inspiration. Just write it all out. Let it come from your heart. Get lost into it and then, one moment, you'll be surprised that in blogging or writing, you actually found yourself.Those are my tips for you, my loves! I hope I answered your question, too, Iza! Oh, and uhh, one more thing: just be YOU! Because that's more than enough.Yours truly,Official Myrra

Myrra Kate

Myrra is a Kingdom-driven entrepreneur, author, online course strategist, and course creator helping young women build a life of purpose, freedom, and impact by stewarding their God-given gifts.

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